Friday, June 22, 2012

Susan Winget Fabric Collection

I'm always on the lookout for beautiful fabrics that are easy to work with, and I love prints most of all. So when I stumbled on to the Susan Winget Fabric Collection, found at Joann Fabric & Craft Stores, I fell in love. these fabrics are 100% cotton, so they're easy to work with and they can be used for garments, home decor projects, quilting, and so much more. I use them to make summer dresses and pillows, though I'm sure I'll find even more uses for them as the summer wears on. They also iron well on a low setting, making life easier for me since I absolutely hate wrinkles.

So if you have the time, search through some of the available patterns and consider ordering some of your favorites. My personal favorite is pictured here, called Butterfly Drawn to the Light, but there are many other choices for anyone interested in lovely fabrics. Some of my favorites include:
But these are only a few of the fabrics I've used in my summer projects. I strongly recommend them for anyone interested in wonderful fabrics that are easy to work with. They'll enhance your sewing projects and make you love fabric shopping all over again.